Best Day of the Week to Invest in the Stock Market


Is there a best day of the week to invest?



Read more: Best Day of the Week to Invest in the Stock Market

The Shiny 'Roominator' - Silicon Valley Room Rent Estimator


Planning to rent a room in the Silicon Valley in 2016? This tool may help.



Read more: The Shiny 'Roominator' - Silicon Valley Room Rent Estimator

How big is your Image?


How big is your image? A study of photo sizes when formatted for HDTV projection.




Read more: How big is your Image?

Learning Statistics through Online Video Courses


A compilation of online video courses for learning about probability and statistics.




Read more: Learning Statistics through Online Video Courses

Is your file encrypted? A visual test with R


A quick visual "test" to see if a file is likely encrypted using the R statistical computing package.




Read more: Is your file encrypted? A visual test with R

Local Airport Departure Delay Analysis with R


What is the best time to fly if you want to be on time?



Read more: Local Airport Departure Delay Analysis with R

California air quality study with R


California air quality study with the R statistical computing package.



Read more: California air quality study with R

Rent Prediction Using Linear Regression and Cross-Validation with Excel


Excel-based Rent Prediction Using Linear Regression and Cross-Validation.




Read more: Rent Prediction Using Linear Regression and Cross-Validation with Excel

Excel Chaos


A simple chaos theory experiment in Excel.




Read more: Excel Chaos

Integration in Excel Using Gaussian Quadrature


How to do simple numerical integration in Excel using the Gaussian Quadrature method.




Read more: Integration in Excel Using Gaussian Quadrature

How to Negotiate a Car Purchase Online

car sq

How to negotiate a car online in five easy steps.




Read more: How to Negotiate a Car Purchase Online