Author: Larry Gonick

Rating: 9/10

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History is a fascinating topic. I'm convinced that the world would be a better place if more of us had an understanding of history. 

How else can we avoid repeating the mistakes our ancestors made if not by learning their history? How else can we understand what really works, what moves our society forward in a positive direction? It was with these convictions in mind that I reached for this book. As a new citizen to this country, I wanted to learn more about its past, but dreaded the thought of reading an encyclopedia-like volume with thousands of pages. This cartoon book may look at the surface like it is not a serious book. But Larry Gonick does a great job of balancing his wonderful sense of humor with a rather insightful look at the country's history. If I have a complaint, is that the book ends too early and the last two decades are not covered (at least not in the edition I read). But this is the most fun you will ever have reading a history book. I highly recommend it.

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